Français: Football Insole Tech

UNE MATIÈRE QUI AMORTIT LES CHOCSLa structure alvéolaire verte allège considérablement la semelle, garantit un retour d’énergie optimal et agit comme un coussin très confortable.  UNE MATIÈRE STAB...

Suomalainen: Football Insole Tech

ISKUA VAIMENTAVA MATERIAALIHunajakennorakenne hajauttaa kuormitusta, parantaa iskunvaimennusta ja vähentää pohjallisen painoa.STABILOIVA MATERIAALIE.V.A materiaali lisää tukea kantapään ympärillä ...

Norska: Football Insole Tech Info

STØTDEMPENDE MATERIALE«Honeycomb»-mønsteret gir fordelt avlastning, økt støtdemping og redusert sålevekt.STABILISERENDE MATERIALEE.V.A material gir ekstra støtte i området rundt hælen og under mel...

Svenska: Football Insole Tech Info

STÖTDÄMPANDE MATERIALDet gröna ”Honeycomb” mönstret ger fördelad avlastning, ökad stötdämpning och minskad sulvikt.STABILISERANDE MATERIALDet gråa E.V.A materialet ger en kombination av extra stöd...

English: Football Insole Tech Info

While playing football, you have an increased pressure of about 7-8 times your body weight due to the flight phase that occurs during runs and jumps. This places great demands on your body. At Ort...

Description & Specs

Designed after football players pressure & movement pattern while being active in field. While playing football, you have an increased load of about 7-8 times your body weight due to the flight phase that occurs during runs and jumps. The complexity of motion and pressure patterns in different directions and the impact of artificial grass vs. natural grass field are some of the factors that places great demands on your equipment. We have collected data from football players different feet from around the world. This data, as well as the players pressure pattern and the design of today's football boots, forms the basis for Football Insole's design and function. The purpose of Football Insoles are to reduce the load on the players muscles and joints, to create better conditions for all players who love the game, regardless your level or age. Upgrade your football boots today!

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Football Insole

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