한국어: Sneaker Insole Tech

착용하기먼저 스니커즈 안에 있는 기존의 신발 안창을 빼세요. 새로운 저희 스니커즈용 안창 제품을 신발에 넣어 싸이즈가 맞는지 확인하세요. 필요시에 신발과 안 맞을 경우 저희 제품을 가위로 다듬어 보세요. 팁: 기존에 신발에 들어 있던 안창을 견본으로 삼으세요. 새로운 저희 제품을 넣으신 다음에는 몸에 적응이 되도록 천천히 사용을 늘려가세요.청소 &am...

Description & Specs

Crafted for all Sneaker lovers who want to upgrade their sneakers from inside. The purpose of Sneaker Insoles are to upgrade your shoe from inside making it more comfortable with stability, shock absorption and support. Sneaker Insole provides a daily pressure protection for the feet and body and aligns your movement in order to create better conditions for everyone who loves their sneakers. We hope that you will enjoy it!

Satisfaction guarantee

This product is covered by our satisfaction guarantee, which you can read more about here

Sneaker Insole

Our mission at om is to break the human limits to experience more. Inspired by movement. Powered by passion. Move with us, and feel the joy.

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