Anatomic Heel CupLY GÓT CHÂNLy gót chân phân phối áp lực dưới gót, giảm sức nặng cơ thể bằng cách tập trung phần mỡ đệm dưới gót lại và củng cố chức năng tự nhiên của gót. Personalize your insoleC...
Anatomic Heel Cup足跟垫解剖型腳後跟杯在腳後跟下方分配壓力,通過收縮腳後跟的脂肪墊並增強其自然功能來減輕負荷。 Personalize your insole订制化您的鞋底沿邊緣切成所需的尺寸。提示:注意前腳的尺寸標記。
Anatomic Heel CupCAWAN TUMIT ANATOMICawan tumit anatomi menyebarkan tekanan di bawah tumit, mengurangkan beban dengan mengontrak pad lemak tumit dan memperkuat fungsi semula jadi. Personalize your...
Anatomic Heel Cupส่วนรองส้นเท้าสอดคล้องกับหลักกายวิภาค :ส่วนรองส้นถูกออกแบบมาให้ตรงกับกายภาคและสรีวิทยาของส้นเท้าเพื่อช่วยในการกระจายแรงบริเวณใต้ส้นเท้าและลดแรงกระแทก โดยจะช่วยให้ชั้นไขมันบริเวณใต้...
Svenska/Norska: Golf Insole Tech Info
NYLEX® TOPPSKIKT Toppskyddets jobb under golfrundan är att distribuera fuktigt samt minimera risken för skav och blåsor.MEDIALT HÅLFOTSSTÖD Det längsgående hålfotstödstödet är unikt utformat för a...
English: Golf Insole Tech Info
At Ortho Movement, our focus is always on ensuring that you can experience the joy of movement. Our Golf Insole is no exception. Specially designed to provide control from the heel through the arc...

At OM, our focus is always on ensuring that you can experience the joy of movement, our Golf Insoles are no exception, specially designed to provide control from the heel through the arch, all the way to the toe, this insole delivers confidence, poise, and support every step of the way.
Description & Specs
Unlike other insoles, our Golf Insoles are made from firm yet lightweight material that offers high-bounce performance to keep you going through 18+ holes, minimize imbalance during your swing, and ensure the best possible accuracy. From the grass to the rough to the bunker, OM supports your golf game.
A simple pair of insoles provide better support for your feet during motion, and reduce empty space, ensuring less motion. The result? More power to the clubhead, longer flights, and less chance of injury. However, our Golf Insoles are specially designed to deliver even more benefits.
Satisfaction guarantee
This product is covered by our satisfaction guarantee, which you can read more about here
One of the most critical considerations during your golf swing is balance. Even a small amount of imbalance translates to major errors in your swing and shortens your drives. Our Golf Insole helps ensure that you stay poised and balanced for longer drives and the stability that you need on the course.
Golfing places a great deal of stress and strain on your muscles, leading to fatigue. Pronation and supination while walking and during your swing adds to that fatigue. Our Golf Insole corrects both, ensuring that you can reduce your score and play your best.
When your feet and legs hurt, chances are that you are not really focusing on the moment. You are thinking about getting home, getting your golf shoes off, and finding some relief. Our Golf Insoles are designed to provide you with the comfort necessary to be fully present in the moment, focused on the joy of golfing.
The white material is made of high quality EVA which will be the first layer in the bed for your foot. It will shape after your feet and their pressure pattern, increase the comfort and feeling. Underneath there is a friction pattern that holds the insole on the right spot all the time.
While swinging the club additional forces address the outer and inner foot that often imbalance the body’s alignment. The concave stability wedge stabilize the feet in the swing and counteracting these forces.
The top cover’s job during the golf round is to distribute moist away as well as minimize the risk of chafing and blisters.
The longitudinal footrest support is uniquely designed to fit as many feet type as possible.
The anatomical heel cup distributes pressure under the heel, reducing the load by contracting the heel's fat pad and reinforcing its natural function.
The extra heel zone provides extra shock absorption to an area that is well exposed while walking the golf course.
The black E.V.A material provides a combination of extra support and relief, which reduces rotational forces. The light green PU material provides extra shock absorption and stability.
Cut along the edge to required size.
Tip: Use original insole as template.
Remove the existing insoles from your shoes. Place your new Golf Insoles in your shoes to make sure the size is correct. If necessary, trim your new Golf Insoles with scissors if they don’t fit. Tip: Use your original insoles as a template! Gradually increase the use of your new Golf Insoles because there may be new load patterns on your body.
The product is not resistant to high temperatures. You can use lukewarm water and soap for cleaning. Dry at room temperature. Do not wash in a washing machine.
Replace your soles after 6-12 months or when they are showing signs that they are worn out.
Our mission at om is to break the human limits to experience more. Inspired by movement. Powered by passion. Move with us, and feel the joy.
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